(+39) 335.5697265 info@gruppobefore.it

Role training

Not just “what”, but also “how”

Role training

 We also deal with the formation of professional roles through the development of transversal skills of which we list the main ones.

Some projects:

  • Systemic thinking for the management of complexity and uncertainty
  • Networking
  • Sense of urgency and innovation
  • Masters of their own time
  • Problem solving and decision making
  • Questioning: the art of asking questions
  • Collective intelligence
  • More feedback for everyone!
  • Decision-making styles and processes


Before is a certified company ISO 9001: 2015 

Before S.r.l.
Via Correggio, 69
20149 Milano (MI)
(+39) 347.1128200
VAT: 04834500961
Share capital: 10.000€
Registration number in the Register of Companies of Milan Monza Brianza Lod: 04834500961

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