Self-improvement tools
Less stress and more energy thanks to Trust Management
Any corporate context is formed in its fundamental essence by the relationships that develop and define it. And every human relationship is based on the presence (or lack) of trust.
How to get the most out of synergies thanks to collective intelligence
Collective intelligence, according to the definition given by Pierre Levy, consists “in valuing all the diversities, knowledge, skills, ideas, experiences, which are found in a community and to organize them in a creative and productive dialogue”
Reduce accidents by changing the perception of the concept of safety
Most accidents are caused by an incorrect perception of the concept of danger. Adequate awareness is therefore the key to drastically reducing risks
How to turn others from enemies into allies
If we enter into negative competition with co-workers we may perceive them as a threat to our well-being
How to break free from competitiveness with colleagues
Is competitiveness useful? Or can there be an obstacle?
To some extent there is always a part of us that enters into competition, both consciously and unconsciously.
Enhance intuition in the company thanks to the Management Constellations
The management constellation is a technique that, through the development of intuition, allows us to expand our intelligence beyond the boundaries of logical reasoning by acquiring new abilities to “know without knowing how” and able to give us brilliant ideas.
How to write great emails
There is no real education in the use of a tool that permeates our existence in a decisive way. Knowing how to manage emails, and how to create great ones, is sometimes crucial.
Courage in the company: the key to your success
“Having courage” in your business environment means much more than “throwing yourself” or “taking risks”, having courage is a concept that has a profound value, it has to do with our identity and with the meaning it has for us our life in terms of personal fulfillment
Mindfulness as a resource to work better and with less effort
Several studies have shown that mindfulness allows you to develop a greater ability to manage practical situations and your emotional reactions.
It also allows a quick recovery of physical and mental energies.
Developing well-being in the company through emotional intelligence
Emotional intelligence can make a difference in the workplace, having a decisive impact on people’s well-being, their interactions and therefore on productivity and the corporate climate.
Stop to go faster: how smart breaks can boost productivity
The human being is physiologically unable to maintain high-level performance for a long time without taking breaks.
So what is the best relationship between rest and activity periods to get the most out of yourself?
How to give feedback correctly can help your business grow
Feedback is a fundamental element in an efficient, productive and above all pleasant workspace. Let’s see how to give them correctly!
5 useful exercises to master your time
Time, as we know, is the most precious asset. Knowing how to manage it and make it as productive as possible can have a huge impact on our lives. Let’s see together how!
Self-esteem at work: valuing oneself and others effectively
Having a good perception of your own worth is necessary to be able to work better, feel more satisfied and be more productive.
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Before S.r.l.
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20148 Milano (MI)
Cod. fisc./P.IVA: 04834500961
Capitale sociale: 10.000€
Numero d'iscrizione del Registro delle Imprese di Milano Monza Brianza Lodi: 04834500961