(+39) 335.5697265 info@gruppobefore.it

HR consulting

New points of view for new horizons

Your future, our contribution

Before, with its systemic vision, accompanies people and organizations in the transformation processes to improve commitment and results.

Focus group

On many occasions in business life, it is necessary to “have the opinion” of several parties in relation to a specific object. We use the focus groups of employees, chosen following some selected criteria together with the client and we work through games, hypotheses, metaphors, questions for the emergence of ideas and evaluations on the object chosen by the company. This type of intervention results not only in ideas and assessments on the subject in question, but also improves the sense of participation and the company climate.

Support for change

In a period where managing uncertainty has become a constant and making changes is normal, we can be at your side in evaluating the best support for people, so that they too can be protagonists of business evolution and not suffer it. We work with specific methodologies to support change processes, such as co-development and organizational biography. Let’s talk about it together.

Train the trainers

Bringing innovative contents and processes into the company for their internal dissemination is the main objective of any “trainers training”: that is, it involves forming a group of employees chosen for this dissemination and corporate training activity. It is not just a matter of transferring specific contents, but of aligning oneself for the dissemination of values, practices, best practices and processes that the company wishes to see translated into behaviors.

We involve you in the design of a Trains the trainers in order to have very specific objectives, contents and exercises tailored to your peculiar reality.

Contact us

Request a presentation video call and find out how we can support your company, or tell us about a specific problem and we will evaluate together a possible intervention.

mail: info@gruppobefore.it

mobile: (+39) 347.1128200

8 + 7 =

Work with us

Before is looking for new consultants who are in tune with our vision and who want to bring enthusiasm and experience.

If you are intrested send your CV to: info@gruppobefore.it

Before is a certified company ISO 9001: 2015 

Before S.r.l.
Via Correggio, 69
20149 Milano (MI)
(+39) 347.1128200
VAT: 04834500961
Share capital: 10.000€
Registration number in the Register of Companies of Milan Monza Brianza Lod: 04834500961

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