(+39) 335.5697265 info@gruppobefore.it

Adele Steli


I am a psychologist and consultant in the field of human resources development, I have a degree in Philosophy, and I specialize in Psychology. I am registered in the register of psychologists.

Since 1984 I have been a consultant and trainer in climate analysis, organizational improvement and assessment projects for the management and development of human resources. He works in managerial training for the optimization of role behaviors. Since 2005 he has been involved in projects on safety behaviors for the prevention of human error.

Contact us

Request a presentation video call and find out how we can support your company, or tell us about a specific problem and we will evaluate together a possible intervention.

mail: info@gruppobefore.it

mobile: (+39) 347.1128200

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Work with us

Before is looking for new consultants who are in tune with our vision and who want to bring enthusiasm and experience.

If you are intrested send your CV to: info@gruppobefore.it