About us

Since 1999 we have been promoting the growth and excellence of people through high levels of training. We are driven by a continuous desire for growth and self-improvement that we transmit to the participants of our trainings.
senior consultants
with different expertises

About Before
Before was founded in 1999 and today is made up of 10 senior consultants who carry out their activities internationally and in several languages.
It is a company with extensive and deep experience in the development of people and groups operating in companies.
It develops managerial and behavioral training courses to promote the well-being and excellence of people in their role: a key factor for business success.
Through the analysis of the context of the company and its needs, it elaborates proposals that favor the growth of people and groups for the improvement of behaviors and results.
For Before, ‘doing’ is the best way to learn, which is why it has always adopted a decidedly pragmatic approach.

Why we make the difference
Because we put energy and conviction into what we do
to be an example to the people we meet.
Because we guarantee a high level of quality in processes, relationships and results.
Because we have consolidated very varied experiences and we are always ready to update ourselves, do research and create new services.
Because we identify with the business context to develop what is needed.

Quality policy
We believe that creating closeness and partnership between us and our customers is a fundamental added value for the goodness of the results to be achieved.
This is why we want to provide courses designed specifically for our customers, making know-how, methods and tools available with the aim of spreading them and in organizations.
The participation and involvement of all Before people is the fundamental requirement for achieving our customers’ objectives.
The consultants, who are our real contact with the customer, are asked to understand the needs, specificities and values of the customer, to carry out their service in this perspective.
We have a quality management system that represents the tool identified for controlling and improving the effectiveness of all processes.
Our team
The strength of our consultants is given by their long experience, the enthusiasm they express and the professionalism they bring to our customers every day.

Maria Rita Muci

Frédérique Sylvestre

Marion Schiffner

Gionata Agliati

Adele Steli

Paola Donzelli

Francesca Cedri
For 4 years, together with Before, he has been working on personal resource development projects in various fields.

Jacopo Valsecchi

Claudio Muci

Idril Pia Bramati
Contact us
Request a presentation video call and find out how we can support your company, or tell us about a specific problem and we will evaluate together a possible intervention.
mail: info@gruppobefore.it
mobile: (+39) 347.1128200
Work with us
Before is looking for new consultants who are in tune with our vision and who want to bring enthusiasm and experience.
If you are intrested send your CV to: info@gruppobefore.it

Before is a certified company ISO 9001: 2015

Before S.r.l.
Via Correggio, 69
20149 Milano (MI)
(+39) 347.1128200
VAT: 04834500961
Share capital: 10.000€
Registration number in the Register of Companies of Milan Monza Brianza Lod: 04834500961