(+39) 335.5697265 info@gruppobefore.it


Get the most out of your resources

> Assessment

> Development center

> Team / Individual coaching

> Talent management

Growth continues

Our core is to bring every person, group and organization to express their maximum potential, to obtain the best possible results.


We carry out individual and group assessments.

We decide with you the content of the tests and behavioral simulations, which will be consistent with the challenges that the participants have or will have on the field. In addition, our psychologists will share the results of the activities in a final interview with the participants to see how much they themselves find themselves in the evaluation profiles that emerged.

Development center

The Development Center is a way to evaluate the development potential of the person, directly involving him in a process of self and hetero evaluation.

The result of this type of approach is a diagnosis of the level of competence of the target profile at the time of the evaluation, but also and above all of the predictive development margin for future growth.

We are convinced that making people responsible for their own development is the central element for starting effective improvement processes. This is why we integrate evaluation with development.

The process is therefore structured around the achievement of a progressive self-awareness that becomes the essential means for individual learning.

Team / Individual coaching

It is always the people who make the difference. But the difference can only surface if you work with people in new and personalized ways.

Excellence cannot be built if the distinctive qualities they use in the field are not captured in people.

That’s why companies value individual and team coaching.

The strong personalization of the relationship and the proactivity required of the coachee accelerates learning paths and individual performance improvements.

Talent manager

We approach the development of talents in an innovative way starting from their ability to make a difference without waiting for the company to ask.

Contact us

Request a presentation video call and find out how we can support your company, or tell us about a specific problem and we will evaluate together a possible intervention.

mail: info@gruppobefore.it

mobile: (+39) 347.1128200

3 + 1 =

Work with us

Before is looking for new consultants who are in tune with our vision and who want to bring enthusiasm and experience.

If you are intrested send your CV to: info@gruppobefore.it

Before is a certified company ISO 9001: 2015 

Before S.r.l.
Via Correggio, 69
20149 Milano (MI)
(+39) 347.1128200
VAT: 04834500961
Share capital: 10.000€
Registration number in the Register of Companies of Milan Monza Brianza Lod: 04834500961

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